Wing Chun Training



(old photo) GM Ho Kam Ming Chi Sao ("Sticky Hands") with his 'young' disciple, Master K. Pham back in the early days

(Old photo) Master K.Pham sparring with Ho Kam Ming's disciple back in the early days.

(old photo) a young Master K.Pham back in the early days

(old photo) GM Ho Kam Ming and Master K.Pham

practicing Wing Chun Baat Jaam Do

Master K.Pham and his students

Master K.Pham and his students

Master K.Pham, Master Henry Ho (GM Ho Kam Ming's eldest son) during his visit to Canada in Sept 2015

Master K.Pham and students

Wing Chun leg training

Master K.Pham applied Kwan Sao with Side Kick

Master K.Pham applied Low Kick (photo as featured in Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine issue #30, June 17th, 2016 issue)

(photo as featured in Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine issue #30 , June 17th, 2016 issue) Master K.Pham both defense and offense using a Center Line Punch

Master K.Pham - Wing Chun Control

Master Pham demonstrating Side Kick with Bong Sao

Master Pham applying Lap Sao in close range combat

Master K. Pham applying Gam Sao against double pulling hands and counter with Side Kicks

Master K.Pham applying Low Side Kick against double push hands after redirecting the opponent's force. (photo as featured in Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine issue #32 , October 14th, 2016)

Master K.Pham applying Wing Chun Kwan Sao in Chi Sao ("Sticky Hands").

Master K.Pham applying Wing Chun Finger Thrust and Low Kick.

Blind Folded Chi Sao ("Sticky Hands")

Blind Folded Chi Sao ("Sticky Hands")

Master K. Pham immobilizing opponent via Lap Sao

Yit Chee Chung Kuen - Wing Chun Center Line Punch

Tan Sao, Straight Punch Master K. Pham going in and establishing quan sao control, completely neutralizing opponent attack and ready to strike.

Group practicing Tan Sao from Siu Nim Tau

Students practicing under observation of teacher

Students practicing under observation of teacher