About Master K. Pham
Master Kiet Pham is one of Wing Chun Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming's most knowledgeable and top senior lead disciples currently living in Toronto, Canada whom he has officially authorized to teach his complete Wing Chun Systems.In addition to his lifetime major in traditional and authentic Wing Chun Martial Arts, Master K. Pham is also a Master of Plum Flower Preying Mantis Kung Fu, an expert in Chin Nah Shou Fa (the Chinese arts of seizing, locking, breaking and vital points control) and various traditional Chinese Combat-oriented Weaponry. He is also a well-known Wing Chun Martial Arts author and an adept in Chinese philosophy, martial arts concepts and its practical applications.
Master Kiet Pham is one of a very few disciples who has been taught the complete Wing Chun Systems directly by Wing Chun Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming both in-depth Wing Chun theories and practical applications. Master Kiet Pham is currently the longest serving and practicing closed door disciple of Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming in Canada. He has devoted his lifetime to study, research and promote the original arts of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Wing Chun Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming & Wing Chun Master K.Pham
(old Photo): GM Ho Kam Ming & Wing Chun Master K.Pham -Bat Cham Dao
Master K.pham specializes in the arts of Wing Chun Baat Jaam Dao (Wing Chun Eight Slashes Butterfy Swords).
Wing Chun Master K.Pham is a well-known and respected Master in the Wing Chun Community.
Master Kiet Pham has been featured in the World-renowned Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine (WCI) issue #22 February 22nd, 2015 , issue #30 June 17th, 2016 issue and issue #32 oct 14th 2016 and Inside Kung Fu Magazine seminar bulletin. He is featured as one of Wing Chun Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming's main disciples in the book 'MACAU WING CHUN COMMEMORATIVE BOOK' published in Macau, China to commemorate 50 years of Wing Chun historical development in Macau, China. Also, In the book 'Ho Kam Ming Wing chun Lineage, Memoirs and Concepts' published by World Ho Kam Ming Federation in China, 'Bamboo Forest Wing Chun' founded by Master Kiet Pham ,has been listed as the official Ho Kam Ming Wing chun Branch authorized to teach this unique Wing Chun Systems.
Master Kiet Pham taught for and also assisted Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming conducting various Wing Chun seminars in such locations as Chicago, Ottawa etc.:
Chicago, US Wing Chun Seminar July 2000
Chicago, US Wing Chun Seminar May 2001
Chicago, US Wing Chun Seminar Nov 2-3 2001
Ottawa, Canada Ho Kam Ming Wing Chun Retirement Seminar Aug 14-15 2004
Chicago, US Wing Chun Seminar Oct 28-29 2006
and a few private Wing Chun seminars for Ottawa Wing Chun group, USA Wing Chun group at GM Ho Kam Ming's private residence.
Master K.Pham performing Wing Chun Baat Jaam Do - 2015 in Wing Chun Ilustrated Magazine Feb 2015 issue.
Master K.Pham Feature Picture in the Wing Chun Ilustrated Magazine June 17th 2016 issue. Wing Chun Kwan Sao.
Sometimes- and unfortunately too often - people just drop names in advertising their pseudo credentials in marketing their wing chun gung fu knowledge. In sharp contrast- Toronto and Canada is fortunate to have sifu Kiet Pham teaching authentic Ho Kam Ming and Ip Man wing chun.
Sifu Kiet Pham is the genuine main disciple of Master Ho Kam Ming teaching in the Toronto area and teaching with the encouragement of Master Ho.."
Master K.Pham Feature Picture in the Wing Chun Ilustrated Magazine Oct 14th 2016 issue 'Ho Kam Ming Wing Chun- The Art of Intercepting and Control'- Sheung Bo (Shoulder Strike Technique)
Joy Chaudhuri, well-known Martial Arts scholar, author and a Wing Chun Master himself from Temple Wing Chun Academy, Arizona has said about Master K.Pham:
"Sifu (Master) Kiet Pham is Wing Chun Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming's best Canadian disciple currently lives in Toronto Canada whose group is called Bamboo Forest Wing Chun. Sifu Kiet Pham not only knows the full flavor of Ho Kam Ming's Wing Chun, he is a good teacher and knows several other arts (Chin Na, vital points control and attack, Plum Flower Praying Mantis Kung Fu , Chinese traditional combat-oriented weapons) as well.
Master K.Pham performing Chum Kiu (sinking bridge),
the 2nd form of Wing Chun
Master K.Pham has also extensively trained for over 30 years in the arts of Mei Hua Tang Lang (Plum Plower Preying Mantis ), Seven Star Preying Mantis Martial Arts, Chinese Chin Nah Shou Fa, Human Anatomy, Chinese fast throwing techniques and traditional Chinese Combat-oriented Weaponry under direct tutelage from various famous Preying Mantis Grandmasters from Mainland China such as Grandmaster HuXiLin , Grandmaster QUOXIAOPU and Grandmaster Cheng Kam He.
He has gained a profound knowledge of Chinese Martial Arts principles, its history, philosophy , the Tao of Kung Fu (Wu Tao) , practical combat strategy and applications approaches to Chinese Self-Defence Systems.
Master K.Pham - Wing Chun Phoenix eyes fist
Master Kiet Pham has dedicated his lifetime to promoting and preserving the traditional Chinese Martial Arts heritage. He wishes to share his extensive martial arts knowledge to our community.
He believes in advocating Chinese Kung Fu not only as an effective self defence and a physical fitness systems , but also cultivating a Martial Arts culture that enhance personal liberation and transformation, self knowledge, self control, discipline , mental focus, social harmony and a spiritual way of life to make our world a better place to live in peace.