
Wing Chun Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming

and his senior lead lineage closed-door disciple, Master Kiet Pham

GM Ho Kam Ming (sitting) and his disciples from left

to right (Jimmy, sifu K.Pham, Louisa Chow, Wayne Chang)

Louisa Chow, GM Ho Kam Ming's senior disciple (3rd from left in the picture above). Louisa Chow is the main participant in GM Ho Kam Ming's CHUM KIU DVD:

As a fellow disciple of Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming, I have been fortunate to grow up and practice with Sifu Pham learning about the theory and true authenticity of Ho Kam Ming Wing Chun Kung Fu for 15 years under direct tutorship of GM Ho Kam Ming himself . During this time, Sifu Pham has developed a solid foundation mentally and physically. He has developed a passion over the years to pass on this gift to others. As a fellow classmate of Sifu Pham, I encourage anyone who has an interest in this special form of kung fu to spend time with Sifu Pham as he will be more than able to show you what real Wing Chun is.

Wayne Chang, GM Ho Kam Ming's disciple (4th from left in the picture above), has continued to train Ho Kam Ming Wing Chun directly under Sifu K. Pham). Wayne Chang is one of participants in GM Ho Kam Ming's CHUM KIU DVD:

As a disciple of Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming, I can attest that Sifu Pham is currently the longest serving and practising closed door disciple of Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming here in Canada. Sifu K.Pham is one of the most senior disciples of Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming here in Canada and he has in-depth Wing Chun theories and practical applications knowledge past down from Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming directly and through his own life long research. Sifu K.Pham has dedicated his life and passion in pursuing and promoting the Art of Chinese Kung Fu. I am very fortunate to have been trained under the direction of both Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming and Sifu K.Pham."

Plum Flower Preying Mantis and Six Harmonies Preying Mantis Grandmaster Hu Xi Lin, Richmond , Vancouver

"I met many Wing Chun Masters before. I consider Pham’s Wing Chun skills are very good."

Sometimes- and unfortunately too often - people just drop names in advertising their pseudo credentials in marketing their wing chun gung fu knowledge. In sharp contrast- Toronto and Canada is fortunate to have sifu Kiet Pham teaching authentic Ho Kam Ming and Ip Man wing chun. Master Ho is my sigung- I have met him both in the US and in Canada. Merely meeting a real master does not make one a ...student of the master.

Kiet Pham is the genuine main disciple of Master Ho Kam Ming teaching in the Toronto area and teaching with the encouragement of Master Ho..

Master Ho is not only my sigung but he is also the in depth teacher of Kiet Pham. Anyone wishing to learn Master Ho's art should go to Sifu Kiet Pham."

Joy Chaudhuri, well-known Martial Arts scholar, author and a Wing Chun Master, Temple Wing Chun Academy, Arizona

"Sifu Kiet Pham is Wing Chun Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming's best Canadian disciple currently lives in Toronto Canada whose group is called Bamboo Forest Wing Chun. Sifu Kiet Pham not only knows the full flavor of Ho Kam Ming's Wing Chun, he is a good teacher and knows several other arts (Chin Na, vital points control and attack, Plum Flower Praying Mantis Kung Fu , Chinese traditional combat-oriented weapons) as well.

(Sifu Kiet Pham and Sam Galler (grey shirt) - Chicago Wing Chun seminar 2006)

Sam Galler, Wing Chun sifu , Chicago Wing Chun Gung Fu Academy, Chicago IL USA, Ho Kam Ming Wing Chun lineage. Sifu Kiet Pham has assisted/conducted various Wing Chun seminars with GM Ho Kam Ming at Chicago Wing Chun school owned by sifu Ken Harnish. After sifu Ken passed away in April 2012, Sam Galler as Ken's leading disciple has continued to lead Ken's school.

"Want to learn “real” Wing Chun? I suggest someone who has learned the “art” from a real master. Ho Kam Ming is a direct disciple of Ip Man. Arguably he trained with Ip Man longer and more dedicated than any of Ip Man’s students. GM Ho Kam Ming is just simply the most knowledgeable and incredibly skillful Wing Chun master I have ever seen or touched! Luckily in Toronto there is one who studied under Ho Kam Ming longer and more dedicated than any other and he is sifu Kiet Pham. He has learned the “art”: All forms, Training techniques, fighting, etc. Don’t be fooled by lack of marketing or hype, he is just starting to teach in public after years of training a private group of dedicated students. Kiet Pham is a real Wing Chun Master. Just touch his hands. If you learn in a dedicated fashion from sifu Kiet Pham within 2-3 years you will develop incredible and authentic skills of Wing chun self-defence. Wing Chun has many visible and invisible aspects. The true art is not apparent with your eyes. You will need to feel it. Don’t believe me, then try one class and touch his hands, listen to his words and try to move like him, and you will be convinced".

(Behind row -left to right: Tom Joyce (old Tom), Tom Jr. , Marcus, Kenny and Jack Chiu- All private students)

(Front row: Louisa Chow (senior disciple) , GM Ho Kam Ming)

Tom Joyce, Chicago Wing Chun Gung Fu Academy, Chicago IL USA, GM Ho Kam Ming's private student

"Sifu Pham is an accomplished martial artist. He studied Wing Chun for

many years with Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming (One of Yip Man's top closeđ door disciple) . He is GM HKM's best student in Canada and was his assistant at seminars.

Pham is also proficient in Chin Na, Plum Flower Preying Mantis, and Chinese Fast Throwing.

He has a masterly knowledge of Wing Chun achieved by lifelong

dedication. Structure is evident in his rooted stance, centerline control,

strong elbow energy, power of intent and agile footwork.

His Chi Sau (sticky hands) has a light,relaxed touch with springy,threatening energy.

Explosive power is apparent in his penetrating punches which send a

sting through body. Its difficult to appreciate his amazing skill without

seeing other teachers skills first. Before choosing a school ,

it would be beneficial and enlightening to see Pham.

I highly recommend Sifu Kiet Tan Pham as a wing chun instructor."

Paul Fernadez - Wing Chun Instructor - Toronto Canada

"Sifu Pham Wing Chun skills are incredible. I cannot explain by physics when I 'crossed' his hands with him. I felt his hands are extremely springy and soft, but my balance is constantly uprooted and my body is completely controlled with the first contact. It is really amazing."

C.Y. Kong, Student, Student of Mixed Martial Arts - Toronto Canada

"Master Pham's knowledge of Wing Chun and Chinese Martial Arts is profoundly deep. His integrated and practical approach to Chinese Kung Fu, was hard to find and must be seen to be appreciated. He can seamlessly and effortlessly move between Wing Chun, extremely painful Chin Nah locking, and fast, effective yet graceful throwing techniques.

In my first hand experience, tasting his kung Fu skills, whenever I started to move, he completely controlled me using no force. I felt my balance and positioning completely dominated by amazingly precise control and a threatening energy on my whole body. Yet, it was extremely springy and soft, as if nothing is there. It is a weird feeling, and the best I can describe. I knew at that point, the slightest move, I can die at his mercy. This level of Wing Chun is truely an Art in itself. This is when I became Master Pham's student and stopped my continual search. I wish I discovered him years ago."